Scrabble Points

When looking at the game board, you will see that some of the squares on the board offer multipliers. Whenever a tile is placed on these squares, the value of the tile will be multiplied by the multipliers in the square. Some of the squares will also multiply the total value of the word and not just the single point value of one tile. However, a player needs to know how to play reasonable words not by using Scrabble cheat or online scrabble help but by learning Scrabble word tips from online scrabble word finder. With this, he will defeat his/her opponent always. Double Letter Scores

The light blue cells in the board are isolated and when they are used, they will double the value of the tile placed on that square. You get double points whenever the blue cells are used. Triple Letter Score

The dark blue cell in the board will be worth triple the amount, so any tile placed here will earn triple points. Double Word Score

When a cell is a light red in color, it is a double word cell and these cells are placed diagonally on the board, towards the four corners. If a word is played on these squares, every value of the word will be doubled. So you get double points for the word formed. Triple Word Score

The dark red square is where the most points can be earned as they will triple the word score. Placing any word on these squares will boost your points drastically. They are found on all four sides of the board and are situated at the same distance from the corners. One Single Use  When you use the extra point squares on the scrabble board, they can only be used one time. If a player played a word here, it won’t serve as a multiplier by placing another word on the equivalent square. So you can only use them once. These are the points you get when you play a scrabble game. But it is up to you to know how to get the maximum points to win the game.

Essie K Constantino
2703 Emma Street
TX 79063
Pnone: 806-945-8426
